Sally Patricia Gardner

To watch Sally talking about why her latest novel, The Ides of Daisy March, is so personal to her click here.

All Sally’s novels are available in eBook and paperback.

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Since my first novel, Lillian’s Story, came out, I seem to have become a compulsive writer. I am often asked if my books have a common theme, and having given this some thought, I think perhaps they are all about women who are defined by their strengths and experiences, not the the society that they are born into. i was greatly encouraged at the start of my writing career by my friend, the sadly missed Dora Bryan, a terrific actress and a very strong woman herself. i think she would like the pictures I have posted here of the two of us.

My sixth novel, The Ides of Daisy March is now available on kindle and paperback. I am hugely excited about this book as it was originally inspired by my personal history, although Daisy’s life quickly becomes all her own. I had that wonderful and rare experience of it ‘writing itself’ in an amazing short time. Born ‘out of wedlock’ in 1910, the fictional Daisy’s life and eventual career as a war photographer has consumed me. The novel is motivated not only by what I knew about mother’s difficult childhood but is also my own very personal tribute to the soldier father who died without me ever knowing him.

If you would like to know more do have a look at the video interview on this site.
I love to write, but sometimes it takes a back seat to the demands of our pets. We have three dogs, one of whom is a working therapy dog, and some rescued cats. Connie, our therapy dog, is often asked to give talks about her work. On account of her being a dog, I write these for her, and also speak on her behalf. But she does sit beside me looking very professional. Mostly!

What makes you write?’ and ‘Is this one your life story?’ are the two questions I am most often asked. The first is almost unanswerable. To say ‘well, these people came into my head and I had to find out what they would do next’ is the nearest I can get to a coherant response. They then live and breathe in my imagination and obsess me until their story is written. It probably makes me a very uncomfortable, (and mildly schizophrenic) person to live with.

And no, none of them are my life story. But all of them are informed by my life, my relationships, every single thing that has ever happened to me. Who, after all, could write in a vacuum? But some are obviously more biographical than others,and, for instance, ‘Lillian’s Story’ was largely inspired by my first husband’s family stories of WW2.

War has been the trigger for several of my novels. WW1 features prominently in ‘The Sweetest Empire’ and the Falklands War is the background for ‘A Part of Having’, whilst both ‘Painting by Numbers’ and ‘Finding Cordelia’ are set in a UK still coming to terms with a very changed post-war UK where attitudes, especially towards women and sex, were in free fall.

I love talking with book groups, or anyone who would like to chat about my work, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch either by email or through my Facebook page.